• Aging Gracefully: 9 Goals To Help Me Age Well

    Aging gracefully means being a woman ‘of a certain age’ The French, the originators of ‘chic’, do not say a woman is ‘middle-aged’ or ‘older’ or ‘elderly’. Once she is… Read More

  • Inner Voice: 3 Ways To Trust Your Gut And Be More Chic

    Yet there’s an even more basic factor beneath style, simplicity, and self-care, something without which it’s impossible to be truly chic. It’s the ability to hear your inner voice. To… Read More

  • Procrastination: 4 Lessons To Help You Start Now

    Expressing your signature style in dress, grooming, home decor, and work Living with simplicity – being well organized, uncluttered, and minimalistic Practicing self-care – looking after your physical and psychological… Read More

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The ‘Chic Life’ Philosophy

To live by conscious choice and not convention or habit. To have less, but better quality. To do more of what matters and less of everything else. To live with grace, elegance, style. To show love, kindness, compassion. To experience inner peace and joy…  Read More

A Chic Year of Style, Simplicity and Self-Care
Your Chic Life Starts Here
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C’est Moi, Michele

Salut, I'm Michele. For me, 'chic' is more than how you look - it's how you do everything. A chic life is personal style, an organized home, elegance, confidence, living well, self-care, minimalism, joyful work, and happy relationships. And it all starts with knowing who you are. Thank you for joining me! Read More