• Day 5: Simplify My Life

    Welcome to the Chic Life Audit: 10-Day Challenge. Are you ready to take stock, get clear, and upgrade your life? Here’s Day 5… Simplify My Life: Day 5 Questions How overwhelming or stressful… Read More

  • Exciting Announcement – ‘A Chic Year’ Is Coming!

    A Chic Year: 52 Style, Simplicity, & Self-Care Projects For A Chic Life is coming soon! Powerful and inspiring, helping you transform your life, week by week. Read More

  • Simplify Your Life: 5 Things To Stop Doing Right Now

    There are many ways to simplify your life. Some take time and effort – like decluttering your home or creating a system to organize your life. Others can be a… Read More

  • News Anxiety: How To Stop Feeling Stressed

    Do you get news anxiety? That’s what I call the sensation of stress bubbling away when I do my morning skim of the news. Sometimes I’m aware of my blood… Read More

  • A Peaceful Practice: How To Enjoy Daily Calm

    If your days are characterised by rushing, with each moment filled and perpetual pressure to get to the next thing, then it’s unlikely you feel chic and elegant. It’s likely… Read More

  • Declutter Your Home: 50 Things To Declutter Today

    Perhaps you read my secret to letting things go and decluttering and feel liberated to take action. You can start wherever you like! If you feel drawn to tackle your… Read More

  • Keep Calm: 10 Ways To Deal With Anxiety In Scary Times

    So how do we keep calm and navigate these stresses with grace and wisdom? Here is what I’m doing – perhaps these ideas can help you too. 10 Ways To… Read More

  • Phone Addiction: 4 Ways To Break Up With Your Phone

    Ignore who we’re with and what we’re doing as soon as they summon us Constantly check in – has something new happened? Chase their attention Act insecure and desperate –… Read More